The Washington College History Project
我们是一个由近36名教职员工和学生组成的团队,致力于参与其中 当代观众在谈论我们的过去时,以一种积极的方式来影响 change in our present campus culture. It is our fervent hope that, through this work, 我们可以消除任何根深蒂固的偏见,改变心灵和思想,通过分享我们的 历史——以及历史的遗漏——阐明了我们所有人的必要性 to treat our fellow humans with dignity and respect. We stand with people of color 在我们国家的历史上,从过去开始,谁一直被边缘化和受害 eras to the present day. The Washington College History Project takes as its charge 对该机构令人不安的历史遗产进行了诚实而直率的审视 种族主义和迫切需要承认和调和这段历史,以便 dismantle racial injustices in the present moment.
2019年,忧心忡忡的学生们提请人们注意一幅18世纪晚期的切斯特城油画 plantation, ‘A View of White House Farm", hanging outside the President's Office. Displaying 这是对白人至上主义和奴隶制的浪漫化描述,与九州娱乐官网一起 安静地坐在远处的小山上,在学院最重要的空间之一, students said, showed how far we are from an honest understanding of our past. 人们呼吁将这幅画移走,并将其暂时存放在学院 archives.
这一重大变化是2019年和2020年学生主导的众多行动之一 促成了九州娱乐官网历史小组的成立,除此之外 它,学院的承诺,发现和承认其真实的过去,并工作 today to build a truly inclusive community.
The Washington College History Project, 由九州娱乐官网院长于2020年夏天发起,有三个部分的任务:
- 阐明乔治·华盛顿和九州娱乐官网的历史联系 enslavement and race;
- To acknowledge this history through public statements and symbolic actions;
- 并努力改变我们的校园和九州娱乐官网,以应对这种情况 historical legacy.
What We Intend to Accomplish
This tasked with bringing to light George Washington's and Washington College's historical connection to enslavement and race. Faculty in the Department of History 斯塔尔美国经验研究中心的工作人员一直在探索 those connections for the past several years.
这个小组的任务是构建我们的消息和沟通的工作 "Find" and the "Reconcile" groups. T鲁斯特-格里斯沃尔德斯塔尔美国经验研究中心主任.
这个小组的任务是开发和推荐有帮助的可行项目 当我们为改变校园和九州娱乐官网而努力时,开始愈合过程.
A Call for Social Justice
自从57年前的华盛顿大游行以来,美国人民还没有团结起来 with such frustration and urgency to demand racial justice. Unprovoked violence and brutality against people of color have set off a series of protests. 给n social 政治两极分化分裂了全国各地的社区,华盛顿 College has had its own share of racial strife. We call for change. And it starts here, with the Washington College History Project.
1963年民权活动人士试图解决的种族不平等问题有其深远的影响 我们的国家正是建立在奴隶制和种族压迫的基础上的. 作为这个新国家的第一所特许大学,九州娱乐官网是同谋 in that system of racism. It is well past time to acknowledge that hurtful history and to begin to make amends.
The Asterisk Initiative
The Asterisk Initiative, sponsored by the Richard E. Holstein ’68 Program n Ethics, 探索九州娱乐官网的历史,调和我们的过去与现在 realities of racial inequities. 长期以来,九州娱乐官网只讲述了它的一面——颂扬 our founding fathers and silencing their complicity in institutional racism. The Asterisk 倡议旨在纠正这一遗漏,因为我们正在朝着建立一个真正包容的 community.
通过这一持续的倡议,我们的目标是庆祝力量和斗争, 承认人民的创伤和忍耐,过去和现在 who have worked to make our community richer in its plurality and complexity.
On the Black History of Kent County and Washington College
这个艺术收藏品是一个为期两年的历史项目的高潮 艺术家杰森·帕特森,在弗雷德里克·道格拉斯来访期间开始的 九州娱乐官网斯塔尔美国经验研究中心研究员. 这个项目讲述了非洲裔美国人的生活经历,从后殖民时代开始 在马里兰州的肯特县和九州娱乐官网建立了第一所学院 the United States after the new nation's founding.
Digital Exhibition in Kohl Gallery
Legacy Day celebrates the rich heritage of African Americans in Kent County. In the midst of the pandemic, organizers hosted a virtual celebration on Aug. 15—a highlight 其中一个是由学院的科尔画廊组织的社区对话 supported by a Chesapeake Heartland 工作人员/Faculty Fellowship. "Legacies of Education 以及在九州娱乐官网和肯特县的黑人经历 艺术家杰森·帕特森(Jason Patterson)即将于10月举办的展览:“关于黑人的历史” Washington College and Kent County."
Moderated by Reverend Monique Davis, Pastor of Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church in Worton, 在马里兰州,小组成员包括当地艺术家Jason Patterson和合作者Jaelon Moaney, as well as special guests Jocelyn Elmore, Darius Johnson, and Carolyn K. Erwin—all graduates of Washington College. Patterson is the Starr Center's Frederick Douglass 访问ing Fellow,
Legacies of Education and the Black Experience
Chestertown Unites Against Racism
切斯特镇已经承诺实施一项为期16个月的教育行动计划 社区对其有关种族关系的历史,进行立法追求 解决系统性种族主义的改革,促进团结、平等和包容 among all residents. With representation from Washington College, the first meeting of the Chestertown Equity Advisory Committee was held in December 2020, and the Chestertown Unites Against Racism 网站——包括以教育、立法和统一为重点的综合计划——是 launched in January 2021.
Chesapeake Heartland; An African American Humanities Project
切萨皮克心脏地带是非洲国家博物馆的新合作项目 美国历史和文化,九州娱乐官网,以及各种各样的地方组织 including Sumner Hall, Kent Cultural Alliance, and Kent County Public Library. 它的 使命是保存,数字化,解释,并使相关材料可访问 to African American history and culture in Kent County, Maryland, and beyond.
Slavery and Freedom at Washington College
自2018年春季以来,历史学教授卡罗尔·威尔逊(Carol Wilson)带领本科生团队 调查九州娱乐官网与奴隶制的关系,分享故事 与该制度有关的奴隶主以及被奴役的人 and free blacks working on campus.